Monday, September 1, 2008

Welcome to my blog

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Be part of the change that you wish to see in the world.” My personal and professional experience has escalated my desire to be an active participant in improving the health status of the world and (in Gandhi’s words) “be part of the change”. Therefore, I have worked hard to develop my expertise in nutrition and health so that I will be able to help individuals and families improve their health and well-being through nutrition and healthy living.

To me, it is a wonderful blessing to have the opportunity to help others improve and maintain their health and well-being from the inside out. Therefore, I envision this blog as a way to improve the health and well-being of the I look forward to the opportunity to help my readers achieve optimal wellness from the inside out! Stay tuned for, hopefully, weekly updates on hot topics in nutrition or things I've been thinking about from the point of view of a Registered Dietitian.  I look forward to the opportunity to help my readers achieve optimal wellness from the inside out! Stay tuned for, hopefully, weekly updates on hot topics in nutrition or things I've been thinking about from the point of view of a Registered Dietitian.

Just a few notes about Registered Dietitians but especially this one in particular. Click here if you'd like to know more of the {official} aspects of how a Registered Dietitian (RD) comes to be. Maybe I should start with what I am not...the food or diet police or someone who enjoys depriving people of enjoying food. Personally, I like to eat. I enjoy cooking and trying out different restaurants. I've learned how to develop a healthy relationship with eating and food. I like to focus on the positive behaviors and reinforce those behaviors rather than dwelling on the slips. Aside from improving health and physical performance, one of my ultimate goals in helping others through nutrition is to encourage the development of a healthy relationship with food, eating, and the body. I believe this is the key to achieving optimal wellness long-term.

If you have a question about nutrition or wellness, let me know: I'd also like to select reader questions to answer on my blog. Happy and Healthy Reading!

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