Friday, February 25, 2011

Foodie Friday: Strawberry Fruit Leather

Photo Credit: Michelle Loy. Copyright 2011. All rights reserved.

We are heading into strawberry season, and I couldn't be more excited. I love berries, especially when they're in season.  I love to get those fresh, bright red strawberries from the strawberry farm stands that will start popping up soon.  This recipe would be perfect for those strawberries!  I must admit that when I was a kid I used to love fruit roll-ups.  Yes, I did!  It's been a long time since I've had one though.  This inspired my desire to try to make my own.  This recipe doesn't take a lot of prep time, but there is a bit of wait time.  However, the wait is well worth it.  My kids have so much fun checking on the fruit leather with me, and of course, enjoying what they helped me make, too.  Try it and let me know how it works for you.  Enjoy!

Strawberry Fruit Leather

{Print this recipe}
2 c strawberries, washed and stemmed
1 Tbsp honey

Photo Credit: Michelle Loy. Copyright 2011. All rights reserved.

1.  Preheat oven to 200F.
2.  Place berries and honey in a blender.  Puree until smooth.
3.  Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. (This is very important as I initially made a mistake using wax paper, which sticks.)  Spread the puree evenly over the parchment paper, about 1/4-1/8 inch thick.  (It should form a rectangular shape that comes within about 1-2 inches from the edges.)

Photo Credit: Michelle Loy. Copyright 2011. All rights reserved.

4.  Dry in the oven for about 3-4 hours.  Drying time can vary depending on: the juiciness of the berries, the oven, and the humidity in your kitchen.  To check for dryness: 1) Make sure there are no visible dark spots on the leather; 2) Press the center of the leather with your finger and check for indentation. If there's no indentation, it's dry.; 3) Pull the leather from the edges. If it's dry, it will pull away from the parchment paper easily.

Photo Credit: Michelle Loy. Copyright 2011. All rights reserved.

5.  Once cool, use kitchen shears to cut the leather into 4 strips.  Then roll each one up and enjoy or store in a glass jar with lid.

Photo Credit: Michelle Loy. Copyright 2011. All rights reserved.

Serves: 4
Nutritional Information:
Calories: 39   Carbohydrate: 10 g   Fat: 0 g   Protein:  0.5 g   Cholesterol: 0 mg  Fiber:  1.5 g   Sugar:  8 g (3 g added from honey)  Sodium:  1 mg
Excellent source of vitamin C.  

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Watch Out For These Kids' Food Marketing Gimmicks

Photo credit: Mykl Roventine (Flickr)

Would you be surprised to learn that the food industry spends over $1.6 billion each year marketing to our American youth?  If you've ever spent a half hour watching The Disney Channel or Nickelodeon, you've probably seen plenty of examples of the types of foods that are marketed to kids.  They are typically calorie dense, nutrient poor processed foods, like sugary cereals, sweetened beverages, and convenience foods.  Not only are companies marketing to children on the silver screen, but they're also marketing to kids on the Internet, through mobile phones, in video games, and in schools.  They continue to find sneaky creative ways to reach America's youth.  There's a good reason that companies spend so much marketing to kids. It works.  Not only do children develop a preference for the advertised foods, but the advertisements are also linked with greater consumption of and requests for these foods, higher total calorie intake, and more snacking. Unfortunately, children under 8 years old don't really grasp that they are being marketed to.  While there has been a call for food marketers to voluntarily change marketing strategies for kids' foods, the progress has been minimal, in my opinion.  The good news is that parents don't have to wait for these marketing practices to change. With the division of responsibility in feeding, parents are in charge of what children eat.  However, because of the many inventive advertising strategies of food marketers, sometimes parents' best efforts are sidetracked.  Here's a list of 6 common marketing gimmicks to watch out for when it comes to foods for kids.

  • Spokes-characters, celebrities, and cartoon characters:  Be leery of anything with these on the packaging or in advertisements.  These are the products for which many parents experience "pester power" from their kiddos, and they're also usually some of the least nutritious foods.  You could use this strategy to your advantage by packing your own nutritious snacks with some DIY sticker marketing.
  • Toys and Games:  This is actually a hot button issue right now as Nebraska is currently proposing a bill that would ban toys in fast food kids' meals.  I definitely know these strategies work as I fell for them as a kid.  As you're standing your ground, keep in mind that these toys and games are often cheap and quickly forgettable.
  • Nutrient, Health, or Other Claims:  I see a lot of these claims plastered on some of the least nutritious foods for kids: "High in Vitamin C", "Good Source of Calcium and Vitamin D", "Gluten Free", "Organic", or "Natural".  Beware!  These are often big distractors.  I saw a terrific example of this just the other day in the store.  A package of Kool Aid Jammers boldly claimed "100% Daily Value of Vitamin C".  I would recommend whole foods, like oranges or strawberries, that also contain many other valuable nutrients before I'd recommend Kool-Aid as an excellent source of vitamin C.  While "Gluten Free" and "Organic" foods are hot right now, that doesn't mean they're nutritious.  "Made with Real Milk" or "Made with Real Fruit"?  What else are they made with?  Read the labels, especially the ingredient list.  Are there a lot of ingredients?  Are there numerous sources of added sugar?  Is it high in sodium?  Does it contain trans fat partially hydrogenated oils?
  • Coupons or Promotions: Coupons and promos can definitely offer great ways to save money, if used wisely.  The truth is that these are proven marketing tools.  They're frequently offered on new food products to get consumers to try them in hopes of creating repeat users. I've seen these coupons, and believe me, they're not always for the most nutritious foods.  So think twice before clipping all of those coupons or jumping into the promos.
  • Rewards or Sweepstakes:  These programs are very enticing.  Earn rewards points when purchasing participating food items, and use those points to "buy" things like movie tickets, magazine subscriptions, or restaurant gift cards.  Or earn your chance at an amazing prize in a sweepstakes contest with just one purchase.  If it's prizes you're after, then it might be health-wise to go about getting them the old-fashioned way.  Buy them directly or save up for them.  Otherwise, consider being very picky when it comes to participating in these programs.  
  • Supporting Good Causes:  While programs, like Box Tops For Education, support good causes, they could still be luring you in to buying foods that aren't very nutritious.  Many of the participating food products for the Box Tops program are low nutrition quality, processed foods, like sugary, refined cereals and snacks.  If you want to support the cause, consider donating directly, select more nutritious food items, or opt for non-food items instead.

As a parent, I understand that we've really got quite the challenge on our hands since we can't just put our kids in a bubble and feed them nutritious foods all day long.  The littlest ones may throw a temper tantrum when we choose not to purchase less nutritious foods with the spokes-characters on them.  The older ones may get the food when they're out with friends.  Remember, you still have a significant impact on what your children eat regardless of those struggles.  You have an amazing opportunity to leave your children with a legacy of health and well-being, so remember that amidst the challenges.  If you'd like more info on how to best guide your family through all the food marketing, you may want to check out this tip sheet from the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity.

What kids' food marketing gimmicks do you struggle with most?  How do you manage them?  

Monday, February 21, 2011

The amazing benefits of the family meal

Photo credit: Michelle Loy. Copyright 2006. All rights reserved.

Almost five years ago, my husband and I traveled to Thailand where we met some of my family for the very first time.  We only knew a few basic Thai phrases, like "Hello!", "Thank You!", and "Where's the bathroom?".  My family there knew little English, so communicating was a challenge.  Let's just say we did a lot of smiling, which is not unusual in the "Land of Smiles".  One of the first activities that we did after arriving was share a meal together, and that is when the magic happened.  We connected.  Although my mom had to do a lot of translating for us, the food and the meal was helping us connect.  This meal offered me a fantastic glimpse into part of my Thai heritage as my family members enjoyed telling us about their favorite Thai dishes along with other great stories.  Family meals definitely offer a time to bond, and I love them for that.  As a dietitian and mother of two, I also love them for other reasons, too.

Family meals present an opportunity to build a legacy of health with our children.  Studies suggest that children and teens who regularly participate in family meals have higher quality diets.  Routine family meals are also associated with greater intakes of vegetables and fruits and lower intakes of fried foods, sodas, and trans fats.  Plus, family meals may also help lower the risk of overweight and reduce disordered eating behaviors in adolescents.  Researchers also propose that regular family meals during childhood and adolescence have a positive, lasting effect into young adulthood.

Family meals present an opportunity for parents to model positive eating behaviors and food intake to their children.  In fact, studies have exhibited a positive relationship between children's vegetable and fruit intake and parental modeling. Parents have a very strong influence on children's food preferences, even into adolescence. They learn by watching you!

Family meals present an opportunity for parents to discuss nutrition and healthy eating.  While I don't plan nutrition lectures for my kids at meal time, I definitely discover teachable moments during which I am able to share some positive (and age-appropriate) nutrition education with my children.  In fact, my daughter often enjoys asking my husband and I how certain foods will help her body grow.  While light and fun, it's still informative and will shape her attitudes and behaviors towards food and eating later on down the road.

Family meals present an opportunity for parents to share their skills in meal planning and preparation.  Unfortunately, one poll found that almost half of all families did not prepare the previous night's meal from scratch.  Children who participate in meal planning and preparation tend to have higher quality diets than those who do not.  This could be because families who do not prepare meals from scratch are likely relying on ready-made foods, fast food, take-out or delivery, and these foods are typically not the most nutritious.  Also, if meals aren't being prepared from scratch at home, then how will children learn valuable culinary skills or how to enjoy meal planning and prep? Not only will engaging children in meal planning and preparation enhance their kitchen wisdom, but it also allows them a chance to learn about food and culture. They will also develop their motor skills along with their knowledge in areas, such as reading and math.  When cooking, I give my children age-appropriate activities to do, and they love it.  If you need some ideas on where to start with your own kids, you may want to check out this link from PBS.

Regular family meals are also associated with numerous other benefits, including:  lower rates of smoking, drinking, drug use, depression, suicide ideation, delayed sexual activity, and greater academic success. It appears that family meal time offers parents the opportunity to talk about activities and issues that are affecting their children.  It offers children the chance to get two of the things they want most from their parents: time and attention.

Isn't it amazing that a seemingly simple activity can have such a profound affect on a child's health and well-being?  The latest guidelines recommend that families share meals together at least 4-5 times a week. If your family is already there, kudos to you.  If you'd like to make it more of a priority, then you may want to check out this tip sheet "Enjoying the Family Meal" for ideas on how to get started.  Whatever you do, don't pass up this wonderful opportunity to change your family tree for the better.

What do you enjoy about family meals?  How do you make them a priority in your home?  

Friday, February 18, 2011

Foodie Friday: Banana Surprise Pancake Bites

Photo credit: Michelle Loy. Copyright 2011. All rights reserved.

I am no baker, but I do enjoy giving it my best shot on occasion. I was recently browsing a fave baking blog of mine, Bakerella, for some new ideas.  I stumbled upon these pancake muffins, which are the inspiration for my Banana Surprise Pancake Bites.  These are amazingly quick and easy.  I also love that they're light, fluffy, and fun to eat (because of that surprise inside).  My whole family enjoyed these.  I love that they're small, so the portion sizes are more controlled.  They also keep well, so you could enjoy the leftovers for another breakfast or snack.  Try them out, and let me know what you think.  Enjoy!

Banana Surprise Pancake Bites    
Adapted from Bakerella, 9/6/09

1 cup of whole oat flour (Whole wheat flour also works, too.)
1 Tbsp ground flaxseed (You can try more, if you like. I found this to be just enough so that the texture remains fluffy and light.)
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
2 Tbsp sugar
2/3 c buttermilk (If you don't have buttermilk, you can make your own substitute. Just squeeze 1 Tbsp of lemon juice into a glass bowl. Pour 1 cup of milk into the bowl. Stir and let sit for about 2 minutes.  Then voila, you have a sub for buttermilk!)
1 egg
2 Tbsp 100% pure maple syrup
2 Tbsp unsalted butter, melted
1/2 c banana, diced (about 1/2 a banana)

1.  Preheat oven to 350F.  Spray 24-cup mini-muffin pan with olive oil spray.
2.  Combine flour, flaxseed, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and sugar in a medium bowl. Sift together with a wire whisk.
3.  In another bowl, mix buttermilk, egg, maple syrup, and butter until just combined.  
4.  Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and stir with a spoon until combined.  Add the diced bananas to the mixture, and gently fold them into the batter.
5.  Spoon the mixture by tablespoonfuls into each muffin cup.  There should be just enough for 24 mini-muffins.
6.  Now for the surprise!  Place 1-2 dark chocolate chips into each muffin cup.  (You can also opt to leave the chocolate out, if you like.)

7.  Bake for 10 minutes.  (Your oven may be different, so I suggest checking on it occasionally during the last 5 minutes.)
8.  Remove from oven and let cool (about 1 minute works for me).  You may need to take a toothpick or butter knife around the edges to remove the muffins from the pan.  Enjoy!

Serves: 4-6 (4-6 bites each)
Nutritional information: (based on 4 pancake bites)
Calories: 165   Carbohydrate: 23 g   Fat:  7 g   Protein: 4.4 g   Cholesterol:  47 mg   Fiber: 2 g   11 g   Sodium: 306 mg
Excellent source of: omega 3 fatty acid
Good source of: calcium

Friday, February 11, 2011

Foodie Friday: Banana Ice Cream

Photo credit: Michelle Loy. Copyright 2011. All rights reserved.

I am so excited about today's Foodie Friday recipe for two reasons: 1) It's SO easy! 2) It's SO satisfying!  I grabbed this idea for banana ice cream from pro photographer, Kristin Eldridge.  (Check out her work. It's amazing!)  This dish really hits the spot for me.  It's also a favorite with my kids, too.  I've also shared this with my church small group, and they were all amazed at how simple and tasty it is.  Try it, and let me know what you think.  Enjoy! 

Banana Ice Cream       

4 bananas, sliced
Optional:  60-70+% dark chocolate, cinnamon

1.  Place banana slices on a baking sheet and freeze for at least 1 1/2-2 hours. 

2.  Remove bananas from the freezer and place into a food processor.  Puree until it's like the texture of ice cream.  *Optional:  I like to sprinkle mine with cinnamon and dark chocolate shavings.  I just take a bar of 72% dark chocolate, and using a vegetable peeler, I just shave a little over my "ice cream".  It adds a little chocolate flair and a nice crunch.

Serves: 4
Nutritional Information: (not including chocolate shavings or cinnamon)
Calories:  105   Carbohydrate:  27 g  Fat:  0.4 g   Protein:  1.3 g   Cholesterol:  0 mg   Fiber:  3 g   Sugar:  14 g (natural)   Sodium:  1.2 mg
Excellent source of: vitamin B6
Good source of: vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Funny Valentine

Photo credit: Michelle Loy. Copyright 2011. All rights reserved.

My daughter's preschool class celebrates Valentine's Day today with a Valentine's Exchange.  I knew that I wanted to share an extra little treat along with her Valentine's Card, but it wasn't going to be candy or sweets.  When it comes to holiday celebrations for the little ones, I always try to think outside of the "sugary goodie" box for treats.  I'm working on setting a new trend that teaches kids that holidays aren't about food (even if it might just be my kids that get this message).  They're more about family, friends, and fun!  Many times I don't include food at all with holiday or party treats. I stick with non-food goodies, like stickers, pencils, crayons, erasers, balls, or temporary tattoos.  That's what I opted for today:  a miniature can of Playdoh, mini-deck of Crazy 8 cards, and mini-bubbles.  To get ideas, I just had to get into the mindset of a 3 year old.  What would a 3 year old like?  Another option is to include more nutritious goodies, like dried fruit, fruit leathers, or trail mix.  In fact, I saw another child bring clementine oranges along with a card for each kiddo today.  That was nutritiously cool, in my opinion!  

So, parents, how do you handle holiday treat-giving?  What non-food or more nutritious goodies do you include in your child's party packs?  

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

13 popular foods for kids that are sources of trans fat

Photo credit: YGX (Flickr)

Lately, I've been finding that frankenfats keep showing up in some unexpected places in children's diets.  Given all of the evidence of the potentially harmful effects of industrially produced trans fat in the diet, I'm surprised that we're still finding it lurking in the food supply, especially in foods that children commonly consume.  Don't be fooled by labels that suggest a food is trans-fat free.  If a food contains less than 0.5 g of trans fat per serving, it can be labeled as trans-fat free.  While a food may contain little trans fat, there really is no need for trans fat in the diet, and there are plenty of high quality, nutritious alternatives to these foods.  Also, don't be distracted by claims that a food is "High in Vitamin C" or "Excellent Source of Calcium" or "Low-Fat".  It may still contain trans fat.  Always read the food label's ingredient list, and look for  "partially hydrogenated" oils as these are sources of trans fat.  Here's my list of popular kids' foods that contain trans fat.

Fruit snacks:  Fruit By The Foot, Fruit Roll-ups, and Fruit Gushers all contain "partially hydrogenated oil".  Look for options that do not contain trans fat, or make your own fruit leather at home.
Toaster pastries:  You may want to think twice about letting your little ones pop toaster pastries, like Pop Tarts and Toaster Strudels, into their little mouths.  These may be convenient breakfast options, but they  contain trans fat and added sugar.  A more well-rounded breakfast that includes a high quality source of whole grain and protein along with a vegetable or fruit will provide your child with a better balance of nutrients to fuel his day.

Yogurt-covered snacks:  The yogurt coating on snacks, such as raisins, pretzels, or Yogo Bits, is a source of trans fat.  Dried fruit, such as cherries or raisins, are perfectly nutritious snacks for children; however, I draw the line when they're wrapped in trans fat.

Cinnamon rolls:  Refrigerated cinnamon rolls, like Pillsbury Grands Cinnamon Rolls, are certainly a grand source of trans fat, containing as much as 2.5 g per serving.  There are plenty of other nutritious, convenient, and tasty breakfast options available.  Try these.   

Sandwich crackers or cookies:  Although a popular portable snack option, sandwich crackers and cookies are a significant source of trans fat. Keebler's Sandwich Crackers offers 2 g of trans fat per serving.  You're better off making your own mini-sandwiches to take along.

Cookies:  Beware of those Girl Scout Cookies because four varieties contain trans fat.  Refrigerated cookie doughs are even more significant sources of trans fat. In fact, one serving of Pillsbury's Read to Bake Sugar Cookies contains 2.5 g trans fat.  Other popular kids' cookies are also sources of trans fat, too, so read the labels!

Pudding snacks: Sometimes parents rely on pudding snacks as a source of calcium for their children.  While these snacks may contain calcium, they also contain trans fat as well as added sugar.  Yogurt sweetened with real fruit would be a more nutritious option for calcium, potassium, and protein.

Hot cocoa mix:  It can be fun and comforting on a cold, wintry day to warm up with a cup of hot cocoa.  However, hot cocoa mixes also contain trans fat.  It's usually listed within the first three ingredients.  You'd be better off making your own homemade version instead.

Microwave popcorn:  What's family movie night without a little microwave popcorn, right?  Well, unfortunately, microwave popcorn often contains partially hydrogenated oils.  Be sure to read the labels carefully, or better yet, make your own at home so that you can control what goes on it.
Pancake and waffle mixes:  Aunt Jemima might have made breakfast-prep a lot easier, but unfortunately, she, along with Hungry Jack and others, didn't leave out the trans fat.  Homemade pancakes and waffles are really not that time consuming, so give it a shot.

Graham cracker snacks:  No, not Teddy Grahams.  They're so cute!  Yes, and they can also contain trans fat.  There are some graham snacks that do not contain trans fats, so those would be better options.

Vanilla wafers:  Often introduced to babies and toddlers, vanilla wafers can be high in trans fat.  Keebler Vanilla Wafers contain 2.5 g of trans fat per serving.  It's better to help those little ones develop preferences for more nutritious options, like vegetables and fruits.

Animal crackers:  Yes, these seemingly innocent snacks can contain trans fat and few other high quality nutrients.  Scan those labels to avoid trans fats or find more nutrient-dense alternatives.

Do any of these surprise you? If so, which ones?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Foodie Friday: Gabriella's Pinwheel Sandwiches

Photo credits: Michelle Loy. Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. 

This month I'm focusing on how we can love our children through high quality nutrition and positive feeding.  While I'd like to say that doing this is a cinch with my own children, I cannot.  I'm always looking for fresh, fun ways to get my two little {occasional} rascals to eat well.  One thing that I like to do is put a twist on the good ol' standbys.  Today's old favorite happens to be the PB and J, of course, but I put a little spin on it.  I call it Gabriella's Pinwheel Sandwiches because it has become a fast fave, especially for my daughter.  What I love about these is that they're super simple, satisfying, and easy for the little ones (or even you) to eat.  I love the texture that the dried fruit adds, and you can put your own personal spin on it as well.  Try it and let me know what you think because I'd love to hear your variations.  Enjoy!

Gabriella's Pinwheel Sandwiches

Whole wheat, whole grain, or sprouted grain tortilla (I use the soft taco-size.) 
1 Tbsp nut butter (I usually use almond butter or peanut butter.)
1 Tbsp dried fruit (Unsweetened dried cherries or raisins are great, but you could also use your favorite.)
1/2 banana, sliced
Cinnamon for sprinkling
Honey for drizzling


1.  Spread the nut butter over the tortilla. 

2.  Top with banana slices and dried fruit.  Sprinkle with cinnamon and drizzle with just a touch of honey.  (I find that I don't need much honey at all as long as I drizzle it horizontally in one line across the tortilla because when you roll it up, you'll get the taste in every bite that way. So a little will go a long way here.)

3.  Gently roll the tortilla up.  (You can actually eat it just like this, which works great if you're on the go.)  Then slice into 8 sections, which will be the pinwheel sandwiches, and enjoy!

Serves: 1 adult or 2-3 children
Nutritional Information: (for 1 wrap) 
Calories:   380  Carbohydrate: 56 g   Fat: 16 g   Monounsaturated fat: 11 g   Protein: 9 g   Cholesterol: 0 mg   Fiber:  8 g   Sugar:  19 g (3 g added sugar from the honey)   Sodium: 576 mg
Excellent source of: magnesium and vitamin E
Good source of: thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, iron, and potassium

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Loving our children through nutrition and positive feeding

Photo credit: Michelle Loy (top) and Kristin Eldridge (bottom).  Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. 

As I contemplated a topic or theme for my blog this month, I could only think of one - love.  How cliche, right?  Love for February?  Well, I thought I would focus on love for our littlest sweethearts, our children.  I have two little angels of my own, and I love them to pieces.  If I've learned anything about love since having my little ones, it is that I am capable of loving a lot more than I ever imagined I could!  In the last few years, I've also learned that love is more than a feeling.  It's also an action and a choice, and that's what brings me to this post today.  We have a lot of ways to to act on that love: spending time with them at home, showing up at their special events, giving them lots of affection, or showering them with gifts. I'm going to suggest that we also choose to love our children by nourishing them well and fostering a healthful relationship with food, eating, and their bodies.  As parents, family, friends, caregivers, teachers, or just someone involved in a child's life, you have the power to significantly and positively influence what children eat, how children eat, and how they relate to their bodies.

Even before a child is conceived, parents have the opportunity to nourish their own bodies well in order to support a more healthful pregnancy and baby.  Optimal nutrition and health during pregnancy also impact the growth and development of the baby. In fact, a growing body of evidence suggests that many chronic diseases and illnesses may be linked to an infant's experiences in the womb.

Once baby is born, there is the decision about whether or not to breastfeed. Some health professionals propose that food preferences and eating behaviors may be impacted by this.  Breastfeeding is definitely linked with positive health outcomes from infancy through adulthood.

From childhood to adolescence, parents and caregivers are responsible for determining what, when, and where children eat.  Also, what we eat, how we eat, and how we relate to food and our bodies also strongly impacts our children.  If children see us skipping breakfast, then they are likely to develop that habit, too.  If they see us consuming nutrient poor foods on a regular basis, then they will likely develop preferences for those foods, too.  If they see us in a constant cycle of "dieting", then they are more likely to fall into those patterns, too.  If they hear us criticizing our bodies, they are likely to do the same.

I believe that we have an extraordinary opportunity before us to leave our children with a wonderful legacy of health and well-being.  In addition to lavishing them with kisses and hugs, let's also provide them with a variety of high quality, nutritious foods.  As we cheer them on at their soccer games, let's also nurture positive eating behaviors and attitudes about food, eating, and their bodies.  Let's choose to love our children in these ways because they deserve it!

What steps will you or do you take to love your children in these ways?