Friday, February 8, 2013

Foodie Friday: Strawberry Banana Ice Cream

Strawberry Banana Ice Cream - Copyright 2013 - Michelle Loy, MPH, MS, RD, CSSD - Go Wellness
Valentine's Day is almost upon us, so what better way to celebrate than with a healthy, pink ice cream?  Ever since I discovered Banana Ice Cream, I've wanted to experiment a little more with it.  Well, the original version is so good that it took me a while to get around to doing just that.  Thanks to my recent curiosity, I finally have a new family-favorite healthy ice cream treat.  This is so easy and nutritious.  I love that there are only four very simple ingredients, and they blend together perfectly in this nutritious dessert.  My entire family really dug this ice cream.  I can definitely envision putting a banana split spin on it, too, by topping with dark chocolate and fresh pineapple.  Yum! Try it, and please let me know what you think.

Strawberry Banana Ice Cream

{Print this recipe}
2 bananas, sliced
1 cup frozen strawberries (preferably organic, unsweetened)
2 tsp pure vanilla extract (I make my own. It does take a few months, but it's worth it! Check out how to do that here.)
3-4 Tbsp coconut milk (preferably canned organic)

1.  Place the bananas on a baking sheet and freeze for at least 2 hours.

Frozen banana slices - Copyright 2013 - Michelle Loy, MPH, MS, RD, CSSD - Go Wellness
2.  Remove the banana slices from the freezer and place into a food processor along with the frozen strawberries.  Add vanilla extract and about 2-3 Tbsp of coconut milk.  Begin pureeing the strawberry banana mixture.  Add more coconut milk as needed until the mix is like the texture of ice cream.  Serve and enjoy!

Strawberry Banana Ice Cream - Copyright 2013 - Michelle Loy, MPH, MS, RD, CSSD - Go Wellness
Serves: 4
Nutritional Information:
Calories:  111   Carbohydrate:  18 g   Protein: 1 g   Fat:  4 g   Cholesterol:  0 mg   Fiber:  2 g   Sugar (natural):  9 g   Sodium:  3.5 mg
Excellent source of: vitamin C
Good source of: vitamin B6

Friday, February 1, 2013

Foodie Friday: Easy Collard Chips

Easy Collard Chips - Copyright 2013 - Michelle Loy, MPH, MS, RD, CSSD - Go Wellness
A staple in Southern cooking, collards are a part of the cruciferous vegetable family, a group known for their cancer-fighting health benefits.  The phytonutrients they contain also support the body's natural detox system.  They're also an excellent source of vitamins A, K, C, folate, manganese, and fiber.  One cup even contains about the same amount of calcium as a glass of  milk!  While traditionally simmered over hours with bacon or salt pork, they can also be braised, steamed, or sauteed.  If you haven't already heard, they can be baked, too!  I introduce you to the collard chip.  These are very similar to the wildly popular kale chips except you're using collard greens instead of kale.

Check out this beautiful bunch of collard greens.  Aren't they beautiful?  Buy some the next time you're in the store and make these chips!  If you're not a collard green fan yet, this could be the gateway collard green just for you.  Seriously, my kids gobble these up although they're still warming up to my other collard green preparations.

Collard greens - Copyright 2013 - Michelle Loy, MPH, MS, RD, CSSD - Go Wellness
Collard green leaf - Copyright 2013 - Michelle Loy, MPH, MS, RD, CSSD - Go Wellness

Easy Collard Chips

1 bunch of collard greens, about 6 leaves, washed, dried, stem removed and torn into about 3" pieces
1 Tbsp olive oil
Sea salt

Easy Collard Chips - Copyright 2013 - Michelle Loy, MPH, MS, RD, CSSD - Go Wellness
1.  Preheat oven to 300F. 
2.  Place torn collard pieces in a large bowl and drizzle with olive oil.  Sprinkle sea salt over the collard pieces. (I usually start with about 1/8 tsp salt.)  Gently toss the collard pieces with your hands to evenly coat with olive oil and sea salt.  
3.  Spread the collard pieces in one even layer on a baking pan or baking sheet.  (I usually need at least 2 for this amount of greens.)
4.  Place the pans into the oven and bake for about 15 minutes or until the greens are crisp.  (Be sure to not let them get too brown as that can bring out a bitter taste.)
5.  Place pan on rack to cool and enjoy immediately!  

Serves: 4
Nutritional Information:
Calories:  72   Carbohydrate: 8 g   Protein:  3.5 g   Fat:  4 g   Cholesterol: 0 mg   Fiber:  5 g   Sugar:  0.7 g  Sodium:  102 mg
Excellent source of: folate, vitamins C, A, and E, and calcium
Good source of:  omega 3 fatty acids, riboflavin, vitamin B6

Easy Collard Chips - Copyright 2013 - Michelle Loy, MPH, MS, RD, CSSD - Go Wellness